Why China's economic reforms differ: the M-form hierarchy and entry/expansion of the non-state sector, by Yinggyi Qian and Chenggang Xu 1993
makes China’s reform, started from 1979, successful? Why they are different
from those of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union? In their paper Why China's economic reforms differ: the
M-form hierarchy and entry/expansion of the non-state sector (Economics of
Transition, 1993 citation 648), Qian and Xu proposed the “M-Form Economy”
theory and argued that it is the essential reason. In this blog, I focus more
on the part about China (M-form), the counterpart analysis about Eastern Europe
and the Soviet Union (U-form) can be found in the paper.
in Chandler (1966) – Williamson (1975) “M-Form” and “U-form” firm theory, the
authors contract China’s multi-layer-multi-regional hierarchical economy based
on territorial principle (the deep M-form, or briefly, the M-form) with Eastern
Europe and the Soviet Union’s unitary hierarchical structure based on functional
or specialization principles (the U-form). Under the M-form organization in
China, interdependence between regional economies is not as strong as that of
the U-form organization in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, because each
region is relatively "self-contained”. Unlike in Eastern Europe and the
Soviet Union, a large number of state-owned enterprises were subordinated under
the regional governments even before the economic reforms. This provides a
flexible environment for experiments and hence for institutional changes.
Self-contained Regions are self-sufficient in terms of
functions and supplies in production. The commune system in the rural area
between 1958 and 1984 provides a good example. Far from having specialization
and division of labor, a commune encompassed all kinds of activities of
industry, agriculture, commerce, education, entertainment and even military
("people's militia").
governments ownership There
was a large number of state-owned industrial enterprises controlled by the local
government, even before the reform. This
is true for light industries, as well as for heavy industries. A natural
outcome is that the scale of an enterprise was small, and industries were less
Experiments Experiments are carried out successfully in
China but not elsewhere. One major feature of the Chinese reform is its success
in using local experiments and in adopting the “bottom-up” approach. Under the
M-form economy, regional experiments can be carried out in a less costly way
because the disruptive effect to the rest of the economy is minimal. A
successful experiment in one region also has greater relevancy to other regions
since adjacent regions are similar.
have further decentralized the M-form economy along regional lines, with both
increased authority and incentives for regional governments. Constraints on
local government were gradually removed and the bottom level regional
governments gained substantial autonomy. The enterprises they established are
market oriented. Furthermore, competition between regions puts pressure on the
local governments on growth and their limited access to bank credits maintains
discipline on their behavior. In fact, the substantial entry and expansion
occurred not because of an intentional design of a reform program from the
central government; to the contrary, it came largely from the local
are several reasons for the M-form structure in Chinese economy, from historical,
technological, political, military and culture aspects. But one important
reason is that it was actually Mao’s initiative.
Toward the end of the first five year plan, Mao increasingly dissatisfied with the over-centralization and bureaucratization in the Soviet model. In his famous 1956 speech on the ten major relationships, Mao discussed the relationship between the central and the local governments and advocated the ideas of "mobilizing two initiatives of both central and local governments" (diaodong zhongyang he difang liangge jijixing ) and "walking on two feet" ( liangtiaotui zoulu ), the latter referring to development of both central and local industries. These ideas later became official government policies and were implemented subsequently.
A. Jr., Strategy and Structure, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1966.
O. Markets and Hierarchies, New York:
Free Press, 1975.
Yingyi and Chenggang Xu, Why China's economic reforms differ: the M-form
hierarchy and entry/expansion of the non-state sector, Economics of Transition,
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